The Scottish and Irish Store de Ottawa

CanadaThe Scottish and Irish Store



🕗 horaire

1717, Saint Laurent Boulevard, K1G 3V4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-739-3393
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4060741, Longitude: -75.6263867

commentaires 5

  • en

    William Roberts


    Always enjoy shopping here. Very good selection and staff always friendly and helpful.

  • Sarah Parke Erochko

    Sarah Parke Erochko


    Only place I've found shreddless marmalade in thy city. Lots of awesome teas and chocolates too. They even have a section for vegan chocolate. SO glad this place exists!

  • en

    Andrew Horton


    I was visiting a similar store in Edmonton. Now that I am in Ottawa I've found a more thn worthy replacement for my Scottish vices. Top notch and worth visit for sure.

  • Brad Jackman

    Brad Jackman


    Excellent selection of products. Staff was friendly and knowledgeable about all of their products. Prices were good compared to other import stores.

  • Trudel catherine

    Trudel catherine


    I love the junk food here. British chocolate is the best. I come here to buy treats for myself. the white chocolate and rasperry 's ones are amazing,

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