The Samosa Hut de Winnipeg

CanadaThe Samosa Hut



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333, Saint Mary Avenue, R3C 4L1, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-956-1975
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8907655, Longitude: -97.1428383

commentaires 5

  • Clely.



    The chicken biriyani was the best ive ever had, defenitely would eat here again 😀

  • David Mark

    David Mark


    Had the lamb and chicken curry on white rice. Very tasty and enjoyable for a fast food court. Would recommend this mom and pop place. Saw another reviewer claim chicken was replaced with tuna which is ridiculous....Tuna cost triple the price of chicken.

  • Deepa Iyengar

    Deepa Iyengar


    The meal was ok. Samosa was the only item that was good otherwise the platter was sad. Size of Naan was smaller than the size of samosa. Wont dine in again.

  • Paul Morris

    Paul Morris


    Just had the butter "chicken" there for a late lunch. Obviously used tuna instead of chicken. I'm taking some to be tested by my friend who works in a lab but I've had tuna more times than I can count and this is definitely tuna.

  • Emily Mairi Ruth Clyde-Parry Yaroszko

    Emily Mairi Ruth Clyde-Parry Yaroszko


    Lots of great options here - and the family the runs the place is really nice. One of the women who works there also teaches Indian cooking classes. Everything I've tried there is really good - but the egg curry is the best! I usually ask for a half serving of rice, because they give you so much of it. They have good vegetarian protein options!

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