The Salvation Army de Winnipeg

CanadaThe Salvation Army



🕗 horaire

145, Goulet Street, R2H 0R7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-233-7897
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8826985, Longitude: -97.1224904

commentaires 5

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    The stock is always changing and we know the proceeds go to a good cause.

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    Jaden Butler


    Good place to find used clothes at a reasonable price. Also has various other things to choose from

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    Canaan Lowe


    Awesome place! love the deals found a danier 3 quarter length leather jacket there for $39.99 in mint shape Livin it man just loving it!

  • Keith Bloodworth

    Keith Bloodworth


    We shop economically here. It is close to where we visit our son. Mostly we get clothes and return what we are not using

  • Gustavo Borggio

    Gustavo Borggio


    It's a bit smaller than other Salvation Army stores. Anyways there is great customer service and is well organized.

Magasin la plus proche

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