The Inn of Waterloo de Waterloo

CanadaThe Inn of Waterloo



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
475, King Street North, N2J 2Z5, Waterloo, Waterloo Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 519-804-1130
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.490236, Longitude: -80.529833

commentaires 5

  • David Liddon

    David Liddon


    The room we booked was not available, we were downgraded but still given a nice room, and a discount on our stay. No complaints about the room and the pool was great. Breakfast ran our of coffee, dishes and hot food often (it was a busy weekend). We will return next year

  • en

    Alma Coward


    We travled as a group of 20 to The conference and stayed at the inn. We had the most amazing experience. Angela who is the manager of sales she was so kind and accommodating! She and he staff there took care of all of our needs. We recommend a stay here without reservation. The rooms are newly renovated and the ambiance of the hotel is warm and homely! Great place to stay!

  • Victoria A. Harrell

    Victoria A. Harrell


    VIOLATION OF PRIVACY I am with Tupperware Corporate and our company booked an event at your hotel. I flew in from the US to stay at your hotel. My experience was great until checkout. Not only did no one come and find me to let me know that they were about to remove my things from the room, when I went up to the room, I found all of my things gone and downstairs I’m some back room. This has NEVER happened in America or when I stayed in Europe. I feel completely violated, I have no idea what they touched, if they took anything, I’ve never felt so gross after leaving a hotel. I will not be back after that experience, and I will be letting our corporate office know to never book another conference here. Unacceptable.

  • Farhan Raza

    Farhan Raza


    I stayed here for a event and I had a very pleasant event. Staff was available late and ready to help. The gym and pool are a bonus but I didn't get to visit it myself. The rooms are great but I feel some upper level rooms are more upgraded than the lower level rooms despite the same price. Overall good experience!

  • Spysat Uplink

    Spysat Uplink


    Rooms were clean, bed was comfortable. Dining area for breakfast was very spacious. Complimentary breakfast had a fair selection: kept running out of items, but they kept stocking them back up repeatedly. Adding a second heated tray might alleviate these problems. Friend's registration was inexplicably canceled due to a system error, but the hotel staff resolved it for us and made good on our reservation with a complimentary upgrade. Overall service is very professional. Would return again.

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