The Home Depot de Chatham-Kent

CanadaThe Home Depot



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8582, Pioneer Line, N7M 5J7, Chatham-Kent, Chatham-Kent Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 519-380-2040
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 42.431528, Longitude: -82.224487

commentaires 5

  • Christa Simpson

    Christa Simpson


    Helpful staff and a quick blind cutting service. We use home depot for a lot of our home improvement needs. The perfect place to supply our rental home business.

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    Martin Huggins


    Was very good visit. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Got everything I needed.

  • Greg MacDonald

    Greg MacDonald


    Home Depot likes to use smoke and mirrors with their pricing on rentals. NOT PLEASED!! Quoted $34.00/24 hour rental.. Return the Tile wet saw cleaner then when i picked it up, but the still have a cleaning charged that is not mentioned when signing it out.

  • Mai Huong

    Mai Huong


    Nice staff very helpful. Quick service, well organized. Have so many things for your needs.

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    Cameron Steel


    Had to exchange shower base forgot receipt. Wife sent to me over cell phone. Worked Great. Everything turned out fine.

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