The Home Depot de Longueuil

CanadaThe Home Depot



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500, Avenue Auguste, J4V 3R4, Longueuil, Champlain, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 450-462-5020
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4870488, Longitude: -73.4633744

commentaires 5

  • Dare Devil

    Dare Devil


    The one place you will find all across North America.

  • en

    Ye Da


    There is guy called Alex very gentle! Very helpful. My French is not very good, but he is very patient the whole time. Very good store.

  • en

    Shang L


    I Bought a washer online and it's broken in few weeks. I when this location and talk to the manager. He was friendly, but he let me wait 2 hours talking on the phone. After waiting, he told me that the 5th tech guys will come to repair!

  • Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster


    Very helpful employees went out of their way to find the tiles we needed. Thanks to Sandra and her team!

  • en

    Olivier Lacoursiere


    I guess based on some of the other reviews not all employees are the same but I was blown away by the service when I asked for help! I couldn't find an item I knew was in stock so an employee took 10 mins to help me figure it out. Even brought me a cart when noticed it was heavy and escorted me back to the aisle to pay with a warm goodbye. It is just one example but I have shopped there multiple times and always felt the employees were friendly and pleasant minded. They deserve the 5 stars! My only regret is I didn't get the employee's name!

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