The Home Depot de Milton

CanadaThe Home Depot



🕗 horaire

1013, Maple Avenue, L9T 0A5, Milton, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-864-1200
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.5367212, Longitude: -79.8755261

commentaires 5

  • Saif Syed

    Saif Syed


    Home Depot is one of convenient place for all home improvement needs. Sore in Milton has knowledgeable and helpful staff to help you select correct material for your project. Much better than other similar stores.

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    Pramo Mitranandan


    This location has a very knowledgeable staff. I have received great advice regarding plumbing (minor to intermediate repair work) and lawn care (reviving a dying lawn).

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    Mohammad Usmani


    Excellent customer service and return policy Well organize and easy excess to all items.




    A year ago I had written a bad review because of the way staff behaves with customers, but my experience today was complete opposite. Spoke with two individuals who were very helpful and friendly. Washroom needs massive uplift and should be completely contact-free. 4 starts.

  • Mike Hamoen

    Mike Hamoen


    Always good service, excellent staff who are always willing to help. Wide selection but could always be more Milwaukee tools. (best cordless tools in my opinion)

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