The Health First Group - Massage, Physiotherapy, Orthotics de Mississauga

CanadaThe Health First Group - Massage, Physiotherapy, Orthotics



🕗 horaire

200, Matheson Boulevard West, L5R 3L7, Mississauga, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-507-2772
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.616422, Longitude: -79.676205

commentaires 5

  • en

    Kelly Tran


    The Health First Group is amazing! Very clean and spacious. Receptionist is very friendly and helpful.I visited the Matheson location today and met with Dr.Patel. He is very friendly, professional and knowledgable. He was able to help me with some neck and back pain that I had for many years on first initial app. I am very happy with the service that I received from HFG team. I would HIGHLY recommend HFG and DR.PATEL.

  • en

    Karen Sparkes


    The Health First Group, is amazing. It is a one stop shop for anything you require, if wellness is your priority. The staff are phenomenal, and I have tried multiple areas of treatment at their Millcreek location. I am very satisfied with the service and treatment I receive.

  • en

    Sher Khan


    Very friendly service. Very knowledgeable staff. Great ambiance

  • Ros26 Comm

    Ros26 Comm


    Excellent establishment. Very competent and friendly staff and the premises are spotless and clean. Subash is one if the best physiotherapist I have encountered. He works hands-on to target my lower back issues and does not take a cookie cutter approach to treatment or clients. I also love Margaret's massages. Receptionists are very friendly as are all the staff. I would highly recommend this place. Rosanna

  • Samreen Sultana

    Samreen Sultana


    I have been going to The Health First Group for some time and everyone from front staff to physiotherapist, chiropractor to naturopathic doctor have always been very helpful, kind and caring. They're very professional, punctual and I always feel that my time and money have been well spent. I highly recommend The Health First Group.

Physiothérapeute la plus proche

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