The Foxhole de Ottawa

CanadaThe Foxhole



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1206, Wellington Street West, K1Y 2Z7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-695-7677
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4001891, Longitude: -75.7304183

commentaires 5

  • en

    Conrad Binkowski


    Great place to get a haircut and a shave. Staff very friendly. The staff does amazing haircuts!

  • en

    Ryan Challinor


    Before I started seeing Milan for my haircuts I slumped around town looking like a midget version of Hagrid from Harry Potter, but after 30 minutes in that barber chair everything changed. I got a dope fade and suddenly people would sit next to me on the bus and stopped posting online about the sasquatch that lived in the city. Milan is the type of guy to turn water into wine, and from the rumours Lucca can swim through land. Hell, even Corey can kill two stones with one bird. We should all be so fortunate that such a high quality barbershop exists for us, the underserving people.

  • en

    Steve Skipper


    Get your hair cut here. Always on time, place feels massive and comfortable. Always remembers exactly how it was cut the last time if you want, if not they’ll help you figure it out. You get all the “trendy vibes”, straight razor, and haircuts as the larger “classic barbershops” but significantly better service and actual results.

  • Kris Lam

    Kris Lam


    Came in for a walk-in as I was in the neighbourhood waiting for someone. Never even heard of the place before. I usually get my hair cut every 2 weeks or so and am very particular with my cuts so I usually have a regular guy but I was in need of an emergency cut. Milan did a perfect job and the service was excellent, I think I've found a new guy to come to. Would highly recommend.

  • Murdoc Rutle

    Murdoc Rutle


    I've been following Milan around for years wherever he went and so happy he opened his own place. He always knows what I want to do and offers great recommendations on cuts and styles. He's a real professional and great person to be around. I highly recommend this place for an overall excellent experience. They offer very stylish clothes for sale as well!

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