The Fat Badger de Regina

CanadaThe Fat Badger



🕗 horaire

1852 Scarth street, Regina, SK S4P 2G3, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-206-1819
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4493612, Longitude: -104.6110025

commentaires 5

  • W.E Samuel Strain

    W.E Samuel Strain


    Service ia hit or miss. The employees seem to be enjoying themselves a little to much which takes away from any sense od urgency in their service. Good little pub though and great food.

  • Praire SkyPD

    Praire SkyPD


    Met some Kool young guys who made sense. After we had some good conversation between us I found out each if the guys new 1 of my son's and they both had good things to say about them!

  • James Sather

    James Sather


    Love the Narly Badger. Service is awesome the food and specials are fab. After work or anytime. And did I mention they support local musicians. And Leah is the bomb.

  • GibsnRage



    Service is hit and miss, but generally good. Drinks are good. Food is GREAT. Free pool is a huge plus, and the patronage is composed. Great place to relax.

  • en

    Verna Johnson


    Always good food, great service, and a fun atmosphere! Good for just a chill meal OR a booze-filled night out later on with dancing and such.

Bar la plus proche

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