The Edge de Ajax

CanadaThe Edge



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250, Bayly Street West, L1S 3V4, Ajax, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-426-9692
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8434779, Longitude: -79.0283265

commentaires 5

  • sherica walker

    sherica walker


    I didn't think I would like it but I really did enjoy it was a good night out met some people had a great time good place to go to on a Friday night

  • Ann Tennyson

    Ann Tennyson


    The Edge is always a great place to visit. Staff are great. Food and entertainment fanstactic.

  • Cherise Horton

    Cherise Horton


    Great place to come and enjoy the music and the food, every thursday nihht they have tribute bands that are really good. The food is wonderful and really hits the stop. The decor is really inviting.

  • Eric Simmons

    Eric Simmons


    Great night spot. Good crowd. Six pool tables. The band was called The Coveralls tonight Very good vocals and music!

  • Stef Cook

    Stef Cook


    Great place! First time going out and having a couple drinks and I was pleasantly surprised! The services was great, and the atmosphere was even better! We also got to enjoy a live music performance which blew me away and made me smile! It is a bit of a older crowd there but if you're that age group or just comfortable around that age group then you'll be fine!

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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