The David Dunlap Observatory Park de Richmond Hill

CanadaThe David Dunlap Observatory Park



🕗 horaire

Berwick Crescent, L4C 7A9, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-883-0174
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8578087, Longitude: -79.4226892

commentaires 5

  • Yee-Tee Ho

    Yee-Tee Ho


    just a spacious park.

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  • Mike Crabtree

    Mike Crabtree


    David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) is at 123 Hillsview Drive off Bayview and should not be confused with David Dunlap Observatory Park, which is located off Berwick Crescent off 16th Avenue. The two properties, whilst historically linked remain as two separate properties and accessed from different roads. There is NO vehicle access point between the two properties. So, this is the correct address for the Park, but the wrong address if you are trying to find the actual observatory.

  • Eric Briggs

    Eric Briggs


    The David Dunlap Observatory Park does not include the David Dunlap Observatory, which is on the next block. This is the park's official name, so I think Google is obliged to mislead people who are just looking for the observatory, thanks to Autocorrect.

  • Todd Byers

    Todd Byers


    This is the wrong address. The actual address is 123 Hillsview in Richmond Hill. Please change this ASAP Google.

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