The Chinese Store Prince George de Prince George

CanadaThe Chinese Store Prince George



🕗 horaire

2750, Oak Street, V2L 2A8, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-562-3498
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.8953497, Longitude: -122.7505283

commentaires 5

  • en

    Miss Mieke


    Super helpful and accommodating. Had exactly what I wanted when no one else in town did. A loss when this store front closed down ...but luckily there is still a home based business to access.

  • Shain Gillick

    Shain Gillick


    recently renovated and changed name. Seems like they've gotten rid of a lot of stuff.

  • Lorna Scully

    Lorna Scully


    So sad that the store is closing

  • Tylara Whitwick

    Tylara Whitwick


    An excellent selection of interesting products that you can't find anywhere else in town.

  • en

    Jesse TONG


    Lots of selection of hard to find Asian foods. Good prices. Family owned and operated. Supporting other small business as well.

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