The Brides' Project de Toronto

CanadaThe Brides' Project



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431, Broadview Avenue, M4K 2N2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-469-6777
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6671317, Longitude: -79.3530461

commentaires 5

  • Katherine Langdon

    Katherine Langdon


    A rest organization and the perfect way to give that dress another spin while clearing space in your closet. Easy dropoff!

  • en

    naimie inman


    A great place to buy a Wedding dress They are donated and sold at half the price all the proceeds go to fight cancer A truly amazing charity And they have a fabulous staff of volunteers

  • Natalia D'Amico

    Natalia D'Amico


    I couldn't stomach the idea of spending tons of money on a wedding dress that I would only wear once. So when I heard of the Brides Project I knew it was going to be perfect. I found a lovely dress with a beautiful story and I'm so happy I came here.

  • en

    z hl


    Love this place, I been here many times. I like the dress and the people here. If you are looking for a million dollars dream dress, you may not find it. But if you just want some nice on photo, here is best place. You are not just buy a dress, also value your money for someone who are suffering from cancer. Really meaningful experience. Positive energy everywhere.

  • Yvonne Battista

    Yvonne Battista


    Visited The Brides' Project tonight with a friend. The volunteers were very helpful and sincere. The selection was better than I imagined with a variety of sizes, styles and a good selection for tall and short brides. 2 of the 5 dresses my friend tried on were brand new from bridal shops! She walked out with a new beautiful dress for a $500 donation to cancer research.

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