The Brick de Thompson

CanadaThe Brick



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91, Nelson Road, R8N 0B5, Thompson, Division No. 22, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-778-7878
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 55.7435823, Longitude: -97.8430898

commentaires 5

  • en

    Candace Hrushowy


  • en

    Mike Rawluk


    Great service

  • Cody Caron

    Cody Caron


    Awesome service. Amazing staff. Great Quality. Recommended for sure. Receptionist there is great.

  • Joe intime

    Joe intime


    When we first moved to Thompson we spent $5,000 just to buy the things we needed when we got here mostly stuff we could take on our own which was fine so we got what we paid for that moment then I bought something else and everybody was just sitting around doing nothing and they said well we can't deliver it to this day and I said okay I waited the day came and it wasn't being delivered yet and I was supposed to be delivered before a certain time so wet down fair and try to get the attention of everybody it was just sitting around talking to each other and their other coaches by their desks when I finally did interrupt them to get their attention nobody had a clue so then I talk to the manager and manners well that's not here and maybe later what do you mean it's not here truck because the guys at the door so it's me and they were just standing around she told me that it wasn't logged in and that I wouldn't get it till maybe later that day I'm not that kind of guy I kind of persisted and after 20 minutes of being persistent they finally gave me my purchase that I paid for a week before so yeah their customer service skills I think they need to go on a retreat and how to deal with properly with customers this is the brick so things are more expensive but you get what you pay for most of the time now had it not been for the amazingly poor customer service skills I would have given it to 3 star review

  • Peter Phillips

    Peter Phillips


    Great staff, decent quality, fast shipping, and stuff never arrives damaged. I always hey stuff from there now.

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