The Animal Clinic de Toronto

CanadaThe Animal Clinic



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106, Mutual Street, M5B 2R7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-868-1545
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.657257, Longitude: -79.376091

commentaires 5

  • Emily Collins

    Emily Collins


    The best care for animals from the kindest humans we could wish for. We moved two hours north a couple years ago and still bring our senior lab down for her vet visits because she’s so comfortable here and so loved by the staff. Couldn’t recommend them more highly!

  • Yakov Nissen

    Yakov Nissen


    Long time client. Reliably excellent care

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    Jack Hills


    We have been going to the Animal Clinic for well over ten years. Always satisfied. Excellent staff and vets.

  • Nick Dasko

    Nick Dasko


    I have been a regular client here for years. Today I brought my dog Sandy in to have her anal glands expressed. Good lord Dr John had his work cut out for him. I have a feeling he had to do an exorcism shouting "The Power of Christ Compels You!" Then we had to douse her behind in dog cologne like it was holy water. Excellent clinic.

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    Ben Wilson


    The staff members here are so polite, and accommodating. I have been taking my cat here since I got him as a kitten 4 years ago, and every interaction - no matter if it was a neuter, or simple boarding they really take care of the animals. My cat spent 11 days in boarding and the transition of taking him there, and coming home is flawless. Thanks guys!

Soins vétérinaires la plus proche

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