terra20 de Ottawa




🕗 horaire

2685, Iris Street, K2C 3S4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 855-837-7220
site web: www.terra20.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3491597, Longitude: -75.7856593

commentaires 5

  • Frank Mouawad

    Frank Mouawad


    Good selection of natural products. Eco friendly and organic. Service is great and staff is very knowledgeable

  • Ashley Tran

    Ashley Tran


    Didn’t like being rushed out of the store 10 minutes before closing. We were looking at one last item before going to pay, mindful of the time, and would’ve appreciated some assistance instead of being curtly told that the store was closing soon. We could’ve gotten out of there much quicker.

  • en

    Chantal Loyer


    Nice store and staff. I like it here because you can find many things you can't find anywhere else. However some of the same items you can find elsewhere are more expensive here. But overall a great specialty store!

  • Julia



    Always fun shopping at Terra20. They carry everything from beauty products to clothing to toys for babies and kids, to home goods. So many products to browse through and try out before you buy. Excellent place to find environmentally conscious products. Make sure you stop by!

  • Jenny Xenotropos

    Jenny Xenotropos


    It's an upscale natural goods store mainly. If you're looking for eco-friendly, vegan, organic or sustainable products, this is the spot. It's rather pricey as a result. Mostly personal care items with some trinkets and small goods. Store staff are friendly but it generally draws in a more upscale type of shopper than yours truly. For the price, my hide will get non organic grocery store soap and like it.

Grand magasin la plus proche

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