Tech Wall Dog Park de Ottawa

CanadaTech Wall Dog Park


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🕗 horaire

551-575, Laurier Avenue West, K1R 5Y9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4157778, Longitude: -75.7073338

commentaires 5

  • en

    Christopher Wynn


    Great place if you're into graffiti or have a dog.

  • Alex Navarro

    Alex Navarro


    Don't drink four lokos here.... Trust me

  • en

    Issam Khalil


    It's alright it gets really muddy most of the time but I like the location

  • Maxime Bilodeau

    Maxime Bilodeau


    Always weather dependant. Gets muddy. Takes about 2 days to dry... But great park. Good neighbouring dogs!

  • Rose R.

    Rose R.


    Considering where it is, it's a decent sized space with a fair amount of grass and the fence appears well maintained, (it's not loose or falling down in places and there aren't any holes in or under it that I've seen). It's pretty clean too! There are 2 large garbage cans and the majority of people who use the park are good enough to pick up after their dogs & throw any garbage in the bins.. The majority of dogs that are taken here are quite friendly and well behaved also, it makes for a nice little place to take your dog for some exercise and socialization.

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