Teatro Verde de Toronto

CanadaTeatro Verde



🕗 horaire

55, Avenue Road, M5R 3L2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-966-2227
site web: www.teatroverde.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6711803, Longitude: -79.3943063

commentaires 5

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    Adam A


    Didn’t have a very good experience here some time back. I do hope they’ve changed for the better.

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    Gabriel Cesar


    I absolute love everything about my experience at the Teatro verde store. The service was amazing!! My sister had her wedding at the Four Seasons Hotel last year and told me about Michael and Shawn whom I went to visit at the new store in the Yorkville Village and loved all the home decor and accessories. Definitely recommend anyone to visit the store!

  • Marcus Chaves

    Marcus Chaves


    If there is one place in the GTA that I recommend for all your decor needs, it's Teatro Verde. I have had their services for events, windown decor and staging for my business, and for my my home and gifts. Michael and Shawn are absolutely professionals at what they do. I absolutely recommend anyone to visit. Either for an event/wedding/decor or simply to check their unique and exquisite home decor/needs!!! Hands down best in town.

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    Kareen Madian


    Teatro Verde has been my go-to spot for over 10 years now. Whether I need an incredible floral arrangement, decor items or just a simple greeting card I'm always greeted with a smile and leave with exactly what I needed. Michael's creativity never ceases to amaze me and the new spot in Yorkville Village is simply beautiful.

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    Andy Purcy


    "Awful experience" I came from Winnipeg with a hefty budget for a function taking place in Toronto. Shawn could not have been more angry or rude! terrible, terrible attitude. Really made me feel upset and so disappointed. Shame on you Shawn. Sorry you are so angry with the world, your negative energy has an effect on everyone I feel sorry for you, that you feel you need to be such a jerk.

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