TD Canada Trust de Toronto

CanadaTD Canada Trust



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777, Bay Street, M5G 2C8, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-982-4364
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.660673, Longitude: -79.3847071

commentaires 5

  • sebastian aykler

    sebastian aykler


    The manager jerry is condescending and rude and so is the manager Jane .. they pay you no mind like ur not a customer talk down to you and don’t value ur business. Typical gay Canadian condescending rude and patronizing. Horrible customer service try another branch nearby

  • en

    namarig h


    Worst customer service ever. Spoke with one of their staff who said she can't help me with what i'm looking for, and that i have to leave a message for the person who can answer my question. I left a message and got a call back from one of their branch reps who said he has many requests and he can't look up mine by name or card and i have to stop by their branch to check the status of my request in person, he then said he found my request and it has been processed, i asked why they haven't called me back to let me know as i was told that, he said "I don't know". I asked if I can pick up my request at a different branch, he said "oh i don't know, but you can try". Well if you don't know, what are you doing there?? I honestly felt like this rep. is someone who just walked into the branch with no clue whatsoever and was asked to take this call!

  • Sherly Zhou

    Sherly Zhou


    Well.. I can’t make a comment on other staffs I believe there are a lot of nice and professional people in this branch There is a white guy, around 50looks like a manager or something He just made me feel really unwelcomed, when I asked some question (may sounds stupid) he is impatient and showed me some classic fake smile : ) not friendly at all.. maybe because he is a manager whatever

  • Telman



    One of the BEST TD 🏩 branches downtown Toronto near the entrance to the College Park complex. Clean well run branch, friendly and courteous tellers. Line moves fast! 🏧 ATM machine. TorontoLocalGuide review.

  • en

    Anna Enerio


    i went late afternoon today, as usual it was very busy and quite a bit of a wait to see the teller, but i would like to comment on how lovely the customer service was, whilst in line and at the teller. there were employees who walked along the people waiting in line asking individually if they could be of any service, though most of us had to deposit or withdraw money. they were very polite and this helped speed up the wait a little bit. once i was at the teller, the man who helped me was very kind and cheerful. all the employees seemed happy and patient, even though it was busy. great customer service at this branch, i would definitely be visiting again!

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