TD Canada Trust de Calgary

CanadaTD Canada Trust



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1216, Centre Street North, T2E 2R4, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-230-2207
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.063036, Longitude: -114.0620338

commentaires 5

  • Nicole S.

    Nicole S.


    I had a very pleasant experience at this branch today. The teller and advisor I dealt with were very friendly and extremely helpful. Setting up a new chequing account was quick and painless. If the line-ups are long then it can only be because they are going above and beyond to help each customer on a personal level. I am very happy with my decision to switch to TD Canada Trust

  • en

    A J


    The wait can be very long. Very mixed levels of competency of staff at this branch. Some advisors just have no idea what they are doing. I have a specific dislike for the advisor named Min Park. You never know what kind of service you'll get.

  • Gabriella Jarvis

    Gabriella Jarvis


    So. Slow. It's the only TD anywhere near where we live, and the service is painfully slow. I can't express to you how slow.

  • Dave Keeler

    Dave Keeler


    I have been going to this bank location for over 25 years and I have few complaints. Very good. service.

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    Terry Bunce


    I counted 7 staff behind the counter and 2 in offices. Only 2 were serving the line of 6 customers. I was second in line and after 10 minutes, the person ahead of me left in disgust; she had wanted cash a cheque. I stood at the front of the line for another 5 minutes until served. I indicated how long I'd been waiting and the teller just giggled and shugged. It took less than a minute to re-activate my debit card. Won't come here again.

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