Taco Bell de Fort McMurray

CanadaTaco Bell



🕗 horaire

100-347, Powder Drive, T9K 0M3, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-792-0013
site web: www.tacobell.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.7573748, Longitude: -111.4561824

commentaires 5

  • Aaron Gayle

    Aaron Gayle


    Taco Bell closed at 10 not 11 like the posted hours and you can only get KFC? Thanks for ruining my late night Taco run

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    Elizabeth Nicholas


    Food was what you expect from taco bell

  • Liam Robertson

    Liam Robertson


    I found literal health concerns in my taco, grease was spilling over the plate might have actually eaten human fecal matter, I'm literally shaking and crying right now when I tried to leave the greasy booger covered slimball tried to put a move on my sister DON'T GO HERE clean washrooms tho

  • Taylor James

    Taylor James


    HORRIBLE customer service, prices are ridiculous and customers are brushed off like bugs to the employees and management. I went here to try Taco Bell for the first time and I asked for a chicken taco in a hard shell, they told me it was IMPOSSIBLE to have a hard shell CHICKEN taco because chicken tacos are only soft shell and BEEF tacos are hard shell. I told them to just take all of the ingredients from a soft shell chicken taco and PUT THEM IN A HARD SHELL. Once again they told me this couldn't be done, proceeded to get TWO managers who ALSO told me a hard shell chicken taco isn't possible. WORST SERVICE EVER.

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    Bryan Schauber


    Where's the beef? I ordered the 2 chili burrito meal which has a very appetizing looking picture on the drive in menu board depicting burritos packed with meat, and got a couple saggy burritos full of sauce very sparsely interspersed with tiny bits of ground beef, it was more liquid than solid. Seriously.

Restaurant la plus proche

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