S.W.Welch Bookseller de Montréal

CanadaS.W.Welch Bookseller



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225, Rue Saint Viateur Ouest, H2T 2L6, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-848-9358
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5231473, Longitude: -73.6015254

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ian Townsend


    Great little bookstore. I always leave with four or five books at a very reasonable price. We are lucky to have a nice used bookstore in the neghibourhood.

  • Nhat P

    Nhat P


    A pleasure to bookhunt here. This is one of the places where I find the elusive books I'm looking for.

  • Anna Teeple

    Anna Teeple


    Amazing second hand book store. Great quality and variety

  • diptachakra



    An excellent bookstore with a calm, inviting ambiance and a vastly knowledgeable owner. One of the gems of the Mile End.

  • Lindsay Shunamon

    Lindsay Shunamon


    Used to frequent this store when it was on St-Laurent Blvd. I always loved the place, it seemed inviting, coupled with the friendly staff and owners (whom I spoke to frequently) made this bookstore my favorite. Prices were reasonable and exchanges were reasonable as well. Highly recommended over all. Oh, and they have cats...

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