Sweet Jesus de Toronto

CanadaSweet Jesus



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416, Bloor Street West, M5S 1X5, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-901-4712
site web: www.sweetjesus4life.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.665896, Longitude: -79.4081175

commentaires 5

  • en

    John Acuna


    This is the soft served ice cream place with the 'controversial' name. Simple menu but very tasty items. I had the Blazin' Brownie. Almost blasphemous in a good way!

  • Jenny Chan

    Jenny Chan


    I wished the toppings was also swirled in the vanilla soft serve because once you eat the topping, all you have is the soft serve. Great concept and the topping flavours is spot on. Just need some tweaks.

  • Samantha Loaiza

    Samantha Loaiza


    Good ice cream and portion, but too pricey. I rather have a smaller portion for a more comfortable price.

  • en

    Alicia Serrano


    Went in the winter and there was no lineup which was great. Nice and friendly staff helped with the menu. Got the biggie (large) ice cream in a cup and was a good size for sharing. Probably wouldn't wait in a long line for this, but the ice cream is pretty good so I'd recommend to go here during off peak times.

  • Lidia MS

    Lidia MS


    Great little spot on Bathurst and Bloor for soft serve ice cream. Unique combinations, toppings and offerings and very hip aesthetic. I had a modified version of the Sweet Baby Jesus here (instead of caramel ice cream, I had vanilla and no chocolate sauce and the kind cashier Cassandra accommodated peanut sauce on the side). It was creamy, crunchy and just a touch chocolatey because they mix chocolate chips in with the crunchy peanuts. Just the right amount of sweet. I'm glad I reneged on the sauces because it might have been too sweet for me otherwise. Portion size is pretty great too (decent pricing for all that you're getting along with the specialty of it). Menu is very straightforward to follow with easy to read breakdown of what's what; different take on ice cream, which is how I think places like this can stay relevant: offer something familiar but with a twist! The merch here is super cool too: t-shirts, pins, tattoos, patches and mugs all with funky doodles.

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