Sweet Dreams Motel de High Level

CanadaSweet Dreams Motel


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🕗 horaire

9806, 97 Street, T0H 1Z0, High Level, Division No. 17, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-926-2727
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 58.5173133, Longitude: -117.126655

commentaires 5

  • Jaron Chalifoux

    Jaron Chalifoux


    A motel in town.

  • en

    Sean Spence


    nice place to stay

  • Brian Klatt

    Brian Klatt


    Oldest and cheapest motel in town.

  • en



    pros -$36/night if you get the monthly rate -good security -restaurant just next store -decent sized rooms cons -very very thin walls -old building with lots of small problems -heater constantly breaking in winter -staff could be a little rude at times -no in house laundry over all if youre in for a short staying at the flamingo or econolodge would be better bets for your cash.

  • Meghan Alton

    Meghan Alton


    Cute log rooms... great price... amazingly friendly and hospitable innkeepers, Perry and Val. There was also a BBQ available to use on site!

Lodging la plus proche

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