Sushi K Kamizato de Port Coquitlam

CanadaSushi K Kamizato



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2850, Shaughnessy Street, V3C 6K5, Port Coquitlam, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-474-0022
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2649096, Longitude: -122.7770384

commentaires 5

  • en

    Helly Boyle


    Amazing food. As the lady owner (owned by a couple, hubby is the chef) said to us " in here you are in Japan". Great selection of seafood, where else have you seen mantis shrimp on the menu?

  • en

    Stephanie Cheung


    Best sushi in Canada, maybe even in the world. You gotta give it a try!

  • Simon Hardy-Francis

    Simon Hardy-Francis


    Went in, sat down, had to wait 15 minutes to get any attention or a menu. The menu is tiny and limited, and expensive. There is no description of the food in English. We just got up and left. Visit was a complete fail.

  • en

    Trevor Robertson


    Used to be amazing. Way understaffed now. Quoting hour waits at 7 pm come back in 40 mins and they aren't taking new customers. Don't take reservations and can't put your name on a list. If you get in the food is amazing though. Love you guys but service just isn't there anymore.

  • Ginzo Milani

    Ginzo Milani


    The food was GOOD, fresh and quality. The waitress was attentive and the chefs skills matches his reputation, while he does take around 20m to prep your dish it's well worth as you can see a lot of care put into the meal. Alright so why just 3*? Well... The atmosphere clashes with the price points, you come there thinking trendy college crowd type but the prices and food suggest classy. This would be a great place to bring your date to but it's heavy metal look doesn't fit at all! The price and food both show this place would better succeed in downtown with a more authentic look. The menu is rather limited as well, they took off rolls recently, this is BC..people are going to expect rolls, it's fine if you are going for an authentic taste and I've heard Japan doesn't really do rolls but you have to cater to your customers. If you can't afford rolls, make the rolls you can make with the inventory available. Which comes to my next point, the high price point is probably because of the expensive ingredients, the food was super fresh but when I saw the chef recommendations which included lobster tail I thought 'oh that's where the money went'. The location, and atmosphere do not match the food price/quality. The food portions weren't that great either, I ordered for one person and spent $20..I could have gotten the same experience in downtown for less.

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