SuRe InnoVations de Saskatoon

CanadaSuRe InnoVations



🕗 horaire

1701, Saskatchewan Avenue, S7K 1P7, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-974-0888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.15188, Longitude: -106.6690842

commentaires 5

  • en

    Dan Gunsch


    There attention to detail is amazing! Keep up the good work and enjoy your new location.

  • en

    Son Ser


    The Sure Innovation team is incredibly knowledgeable and really know their stuff. The entire team is incredible to work with. The customer service is absolutely amazing and this is something that is truly above and beyond great service. They are so reliable and get back to you with any of your questions very quickly. I highly recommend this great team! Sonya

  • en

    Michael Micovcin


    Steve D and the entire Sure Innovation team offer great technology solutions but more important...impeccable service. You can't go wrong!

  • Virgil Reed

    Virgil Reed


    Sean, Tom and the entire team at Sure Innovations give you WOW!

  • Toran Dobni

    Toran Dobni


    Stand up group of folks with a wild passion for all things electric. Took a tour of the experience centre, very cool.

Électricien la plus proche

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