Supreme Court of Canada i Ottawa

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CanadaSupreme Court of Canada



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301, Wellington Street, K1A 0J1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-995-4330
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4219636, Longitude: -75.7055738

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Jean Lachapelle


    bonjour mr.jean mtl e super de belle photo de toute les juges de la cour supreme du canada

  • en

    Susan Guest


    We were able to see the ambassador of Isreal while there. The staff was very nice. We were allowed to see the deliberation room. We Also saw one of the justices out front.

  • en

    David Chenaux


    They stole my dog. They don't actually sell supreme here. smh

  • Roman Soiko

    Roman Soiko


    The Supreme Court of Canada works for the British North American Act of 1867 the Statue of Westminster of 1931 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Les Cour Supreme de Canada travai pour les Actes Britianique Americaine du Nord LEs Statue de Westminster 1931 et les Chartes Canadiennes de Droits et Libertes

  • Ryan Cormack

    Ryan Cormack


    An interesting tour. Having visited the supreme court in the USA a few years ago, I found this tour to be a little bit better. In addition to hearing about how the court functions, it was interesting to hear the interesting stories and little known facts and have some interaction with the group. For example they explained the history of the building, the history of the supreme court in Canada, how the court receives cases, the history of the judges (esp. Beverley McLachlin), the historical tie to England judicial system, etc. Tours are in either French or English.

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