Sue's Bancroft Confectionary de Sudbury

CanadaSue's Bancroft Confectionary


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

2361 Bancroft Dr, P3B 1T7, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-525-2229
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.4891236, Longitude: -80.9237167

commentaires 3

  • Brandon Desrosiers

    Brandon Desrosiers


    Terrible experience the cashier was talking on his cell phone in a foreign language the entire time I was there including during my transaction. He did not speak a single word to me not even my total.

  • simivercity409 zach .cindric

    simivercity409 zach .cindric


    nice East india family owns there

  • en

    Rachel Fraser


    Terribly weird experience here. I went to buy an ice cream sandwhich after me and my husband biked there and they offered to clean up my eye brows. At least I'm not shallow as another person might have taken this very personally. I on the other hand just don't understand why they were offering aesthetic services along with their slushies and candy bars.

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