Subway de Surrey




🕗 horaire

6468, King George Boulevard, V3W 4Z3, Surrey, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-501-0301
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.120449, Longitude: -122.844733

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jasleen Kaur


    Does not provide good customer service by Manpreet singh

  • en

    Surbhi Kohli


    Worst experience ever in subway.. Customer service is zerooooooo i think it dont even exist here. . And the employe blamed me for not saying the right order as.. He didnt listen carefully due to frustration employe name... MANPREET

  • en



    Not good... No to this place... this guy is very fast and the sun dressing was all over wrapping paper

  • en

    Leonardo Arauz


    I love this place because the food is healthy. I love to eat healthy shanwhichs and they have health food. I love the new soup. Employee are kind and fast doing the foods. Also they have free parking for People.

  • Sharon Sangha

    Sharon Sangha


    It's decent, but you really have to bug them to put on more than 4 tomatoes, I mean really stingy but they never say no if you ask so 3 stars.

Restaurant la plus proche

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