Subway de Prince George




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2340, Westwood Drive, V2N 4H3, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-564-3882
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.9012293, Longitude: -122.7820061

commentaires 5

  • en

    Rosemary Maguire


    Went in on a busy night and while waiting I had the pleasure of noticing the dude behind the counter giving some of the best customer service I have seen in a long time. He was consistent, quick and actually engaging rather than being a vacant service-bot. I have worked at Subway in the past, so I know how the process works and all the questions you are supposed to ask; this guy represented Subway impressively. His name started with a "J" for sure and I think his name might have been Joseph. Great job.

  • en



    My favourite location, staff are great.

  • Dave Halley

    Dave Halley


    In 25 years of going to Subway all over North America, I can officially say have finally met a sandwich artist! This is the 2nd time I was served by Joseph and he is unbelievable! It is so refreshing to be served by some so polite, professional and clearly take a lot of pride in his work. This gentleman named Joseph, working May 11th 2017 deserves some recognition so I hope that someone at Subway sees this and rewards him accordingly.

  • Brent Freborg

    Brent Freborg


    Poor service. At 6pm there is only one person serving and running the till. It is incredibly slow. Quality is as expected at subway. But the slow service is horrific.

  • Amanda Conroy

    Amanda Conroy


    I have had the most HORRIBLE customer service I have ever received. I work night shifts and I am a nurse. Tonight I went into the Westwood location in Prince George and wanted to get a sandwich as it would be a healthier choice than fast food. As I drove up the employee was sitting in the seating area on his phone. When I walked in he said "not cool" to which I replied with "pardon me, and if it is that much of a big deal I don't have to order from here". He said "if you want a sandwich I will make a sandwich". To which I replied " well then what was with the comment? He says, " coming in here at 10 Minutes to closing". I looked at my phone and there was 19 minutes and it was 1 sandwich and the sign said they were open until 10. NEVER AGAIN WILL I GO THERE TO EAT! Piss poor customer service!!!!

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