Subway de Ottawa




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1423 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7L6, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-798-5599
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3859979, Longitude: -75.7406966

commentaires 5

  • en



    White girl with glasses who served a bunch of people today coughed on all of the bread as she opened the doors, didnt bother asking what cheese we wanted but honestly after that i threw it away anyway. Please learn common sense and teach yourself ways to not spread germs and keep proper hygiène!! The other two men there were amazing and are always great at their jobs whenever i visit though .

  • en

    Natasha Faubert


    Very friendly staff! Very welcoming and amazing customer service! Good prices and tasty subs!!!!

  • en

    dylan bennett


    Cheap food, tastes good, thats all i gotta say.

  • Nilesh Patel

    Nilesh Patel


    Clean subway end very good service for staff.

  • Jenny Campbell

    Jenny Campbell


    This is a great Subway, I went there twice this week in the evening both times a girl, (sorry I didn’t get her name) was working. The second time she was training someone. She was so pleasant and friendly, so was the guy training. Plus they both made a great sub! 5 Stars for this Subway!

Restaurant la plus proche

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