StudioYdesign de Victoria




🕗 horaire

520, Herald Street, V8W 1S6, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-590-5200
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4303145, Longitude: -123.3686452

commentaires 5

  • en

    Suzan Maskery


    I have been in that store once. They won't stop spamming me by email. Hey management, how about checking your mailing list once in awhile. I've blocked you but your spam seems to slide in every once in awhile. Stop bothering me, please.

  • Jamie



    This is a great location for affordable, modern furniture. They have an extensive inventory of contemporary designs.

  • Franke James

    Franke James


    Fabulous service that doesn't stop when you move away! We bought some beautiful modern furniture at Studio Y in Victoria -- and then a year later we moved to Vancouver. We've had several reasons to call and ask their advice -- and they've really followed through. The team at Studio Y have been super helpful in connecting us with the people and resources we need. That is great after-sales service. Bravo!

  • Christine Fontaine

    Christine Fontaine


    The staff at Studio Y were so helpful while I was shopping for new furniture! Amazing products in store, and definitely worth visiting/buying from! So happy with my new dining set!!

  • Ryan Clark

    Ryan Clark


    Just dealt with Andy on buying a proper sized couch for my new condo. He was really helpful in showing me my options within my budget and even tipped me off to the couch I wanted being on sale within a few weeks so I could wait....unusual for a salesman! If you're also looking for ultra luxury furnishing this is the only place in town it seems.

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