Starbucks de Vancouver




🕗 horaire

2840, Bentall Street, V5M 4H4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-434-7114
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2585979, Longitude: -123.0306114

commentaires 5

  • Greg Taylor

    Greg Taylor


    Not the biggest Starbucks but a convenient one if you're in this shopping complex or passing by Grandview. You drive up the ramp and it's on the left. Same standard of coffee, cleanliness and friendly staff you'll get at any Starbucks.

  • Scott Cadwell

    Scott Cadwell


    I went early in the morning. The staff was fantastic.

  • en

    Tina Huang


    Slow service and very bad drinks! The drink I ordered tasted so diff from the other Starbucks places. The staff didn’t even ask my name, so I had to guess which drink was mine. Plenty of seats and outlets though.

  • Nico Beaton

    Nico Beaton


    Came in here freezing cold and soaking wet during a rainstorm, flat broke, just looking for somewhere warmer than outside, and to see if I could get a cup of hot water. The baristas were concerned for me and offered a free coffee that I accepted. Good people. EDIT: was writing this still in the store. Barista saw me shivering and offered me hot food as well. I've never experienced this level of generosity and care at a retail establishment before. Spend your money here, this branch deserves to stand out among the others.

  • William Ness

    William Ness


    Same great Starbucks service you get at most locations. The parking lot is a little more difficult than typical, but that's not the store's fault. Generally a positive and welcoming environment that makes me want to stay and get some work done.

Café la plus proche

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