St John's Bakery de Toronto

CanadaSt John's Bakery



🕗 horaire

153, Broadview Avenue, M4M 2E9, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-850-7413
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6604132, Longitude: -79.3503262

commentaires 5

  • Suehlan Yu

    Suehlan Yu


    So touched by the kindness of the bakers/staff at St John's bakery! They were sold out and shut but allowed me in after all! The aroma wafting through the air is so tempting...can't wait to taste the goodies! It's worth the rain, the crowded street car and the wait! :)

  • en

    Daryl king


    Amazing bread! Amazing scones! Lots of great coffee

  • Erez Zevulunov

    Erez Zevulunov


    Amazing bread. I wish I lived closer to this place. It has the best aroma when you walk in.

  • Jehan Teja

    Jehan Teja


    Just perfect! Everything about this place makes you feel so good - from the delicious, fresh, hearty breads, to the warm and friendly service. One of the best places in the city!

  • Angelica Batalla

    Angelica Batalla


    This bakery has great quality of everything they bake. Bread is baked fresh daily. I love coming here every Saturday morning to get a couple of their delicious blueberry scones. Get there early because it's usually gone by noon.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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