St. Andrew's Church de Toronto

CanadaSt. Andrew's Church


pas d'information

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73, Simcoe Street, M5J 1W9, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-593-5600
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6467701, Longitude: -79.3853718

commentaires 5

  • Renaldo Puran

    Renaldo Puran


    A great place of gathering for the entire community and it also serves as a museum for the 48th highlanders.

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    Heayoung Byun


    So impressed that old Presbyterian Church

  • Esperanza Redondo Morales

    Esperanza Redondo Morales


    Una iglesia muy bonita, tanto por fuera como por dentro. El interior tiene dos plantas y puedes subir para verla mejor. No es que sea una visita turística, pero merece la pena pasar por allí si estás cerca.

  • Harish Kumar

    Harish Kumar


    A really beautiful building

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    sarah bee


    I've never been to a service there, but the staff are wonderful. They have an "Out of the Cold" program where you can donate clothes, and they give them away free to the people who need them. One of the few places that actually does that, rather than selling them. Very kind and gracious people.

Église la plus proche

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