Sport Chek St.Vital Centre de Winnipeg

CanadaSport Chek St.Vital Centre



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1225, Saint Mary's Road, R2M 5E5, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-257-7418
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8296123, Longitude: -97.1094335

commentaires 5

  • en

    j mck


    pretty good sales sometimes. the staff has always been helpful when shopping for shoes.

  • en

    Maxim Maiboroda


    Stuff was very rude and washroom was in horrible condition, wouldn't go there again

  • Albert Riezebos

    Albert Riezebos


    Service was ok. They don't carry my shoe in a size 12 4e anymore so will have to shop elsewhere.

  • Jeremy Smith

    Jeremy Smith


    I stood in the shoe section for a few minutes but didn't seem to be noticed by any of the staff. I later asked them some questions, but the staff I talked to didn't seem very knowledgeable about shoes. I've bought a few gadgets here in the past, but I wouldn't recommend this store if you need the staff to advise you about a product.

  • Seungkyu Park

    Seungkyu Park


    Very bad customer service. Staff were grumpy and unwilling to provide help. The staff at linden ridge are so much better

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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