Spiffy Car Wash de Saskatoon

CanadaSpiffy Car Wash



🕗 horaire

3368, Fairlight Drive, S7M 5H9, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-242-1464
site web: spiffywash.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1279673, Longitude: -106.726567

commentaires 5

  • Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne


    Worst car wash ever. Expensive! Soap will come out after 30-45 secs. Will never go back here!

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    St Wg


    Nice but expensive. $1 per min. Will go next door to the co op for a automatic wash for less next time.

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    Braeden Kastner


    Do it yourself carwash, probably one of the cheapest places to wash your car. This location has a large amount of car stalls.

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    Chantel Wells


    Staff is great, everything always works and it's always kept clean! Definitely recommend and will return.

  • DBuhr135 Plays

    DBuhr135 Plays


    Very clean bays! Definitely the best car wash on the west side of the city. Going anywhere else would be a waste of money!

Lave-Auto la plus proche

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