Spa Smart de Winnipeg

CanadaSpa Smart


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325, Broadway, R3C 0R3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-633-7394
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8877504, Longitude: -97.1412166

commentaires 4

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    Darryl Sinclair


    Closed, or wrong phone number.

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    Erica McDonald


    Will not be using this company ever again. We hired them this past weekend for a bachelorette party where 5 girls received pedicures. The person showed up late then proceeded to take 5 hours for our services which we were told was only supposed to take 3. The 'esthetician' was not very personable or friendly, hurt a couple of the ladies during the service, barely filed our nails and did not seem to care how she was applying polish. It looks as though a small child applied the nail polish to be quite honest. We all made the best of the situation and had fun, but will not be using them again & do not recommend to other people looking for mobile services.

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    Emily M.


    Last week I went on a bussiness conference in Winnipeg. After a long, tiring day I had a 60 min. Swedish massage at my hotel room done by one of the Spa Smart therapists. It was very relaxing and calming way to finish a day.

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    Rita N.


    We had birthday party for my 8 year old daughter at our house. All ten kids enjoyed facials and manicures thank you to Spa Smart staff, Ann and Lisa.

SPA la plus proche

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