South Forty2 Restaurant de Calgary

CanadaSouth Forty2 Restaurant



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4206, Macleod Trail, T2G 2R7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-287-2700
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0164856, Longitude: -114.0628644

commentaires 4

  • en

    Aaron Kocoy


  • en

    Kevin Yetman


    The food is terrible been here for weeks. Haven't had a good dinner yet. There breakfast fast is okay. The service is good when there not under staffed. The lady that works during the week is great. The hours and the room service hours and brutal!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    Caitlynn McNutt


    We had the best meal here. Kids under 12 eat free and they were seriously gourmet, delicious and great portion sizes. The staff was so friendly and helpful. A hotel restaurant but I would come back just to the restaurant next time we are visiting Calgary for that avocado salad dressing alone.

  • Jared Golinvaux

    Jared Golinvaux


Restaurant la plus proche

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