Sobeys North Park de Brampton

CanadaSobeys North Park



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930, North Park Drive, L6S 3Y5, Brampton, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-791-8022
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.7347168, Longitude: -79.7443156

commentaires 5

  • en

    Andrew Williams


    Friendly staff at this store and very helpful. There is a flower section, comes in handy on special occasions. They have a deli department also. Prepared meals that save you from cooking. If you have a sweet tooth, good dessert choices. For the health conscious shoppers, plenty of fruits, vegetables and nuts. The cashier lines move quickly.

  • Tony Brayley

    Tony Brayley


    Lots of choices. Great produce. You can buy alcohol here...very handy. Very clean store....but pretty expensive!

  • matty



    I was able to pick up some Prime pieces of steak this week but honestly I was a little disappointed with their bulk products. the bulk inventory seemed aged and dated..... the bulk inventory needs to be refreshed

  • en

    Jillian Wilson


    This is a great place to shop for meat. I find that the grade of beef they sell there is alot better then most of the grocery stores around. most of their produce is good but I keep getting the worse luck when it comes the big avocados. Every time I buy one it looks flawless on the outside but when I cut it the inside is totaly rotten. I just gave up on avocados from there.

  • ItzOyden



    Went to order a cake employee was helpful. Printer to make a photo on cake wasn't working no big deal. Picking cake up this Saturday hopefully it's good. Disappointed looking for no stick foil on advertised on sale didn't have any

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