Snuggle Bugz - Milton de Milton

CanadaSnuggle Bugz - Milton



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1160, Steeles Avenue East, L9T 6C8, Milton, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-636-0105
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.5398469, Longitude: -79.8721414

commentaires 5

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    ryan ben


    i just came back from the Milton location and one of the staff was completely drunk and couldn't stand on her feet. she was very rude to me and to all customers she was interacting with. i don'rt recommend to go to that store at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Kim R.


    We went into the Milton location looking for a stroller but not knowing which model would work best for us. The sales team here (particularly Jeanine) was extremely helpful and informative. She listened to what it was we wanted in a stroller and gave us some great options. Definitely recommend this place.

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    S L


    I don't know how much money I will actually spend here if any, prices are very high for the same products you can find elsewhere, I mean exactly the same brand less money! Seems kind of foolish to overspend here just because. Service was fine we were greeted when we entered the store and the employee helped us find what we were looking for it was the price that made me leave.

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    Gabriella Klosak


    Janelle in Milton was just awesome; she spent time to explain the strollers' features to me, reviewed my options, etc. I spotted something I really liked online and they put it on hold for me even with the great sale price and limited quantity. When I got there, I spent some time making my decision and was not rushed or pressured into anything; she provided me info where needed and gave me space when she saw I needed a moment. Only downside is their price matching is extremely strict towards brick & morter not online stores & some products are a bit pricey; it is more of a boutique shop. Great overall experience!

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    Erida Sihota


    Mary was excellent. We went there to shop for strollers and car seats. She spend a good amount of time explaining different options and how each option could fit our needs. Personalized customer service at its finest.

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