Sleep Country de Toronto

CanadaSleep Country



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8, King Street East, M5C 1B5, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-364-6200
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6493856, Longitude: -79.3777781

commentaires 5

  • en

    Julian Sands


    I wish I could rate them 0 stars but 1 is the lowest! I can go on and on but the moral of the story is that once the salesperson has his/her commission there is no more service at all! And in my case they arranged delivery twice and I had to have someone come to my place to accept the delivery and they called near the end of the day to say they can't locate the mattress and rescheduled for another day then did it again!! I wanted my money back but they are aggressive and don't want to lose their commissions so I had to eventually call my credit card company to cancel the charges. DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE IDIOTS!!!

  • Dionnisios Xenos

    Dionnisios Xenos


    Employees pressure you to much to buy on the spot or "leave a deposit", their level of customer service drops when you are not willing to.

  • Michael De Luca

    Michael De Luca


    Came here to buy a pillow and despite clearly stating that we didn't have a budget, they still made sure we got a pillow that get right and meet our needs. Ended up being a mid-range priced pillow and we were satisfied with our purchase.

  • Saeid Abolfazli

    Saeid Abolfazli


    Great guys. I am returning customer and they offered great price and complimentary base frame for my bed! Amazing guys.

  • Ron Greenberg

    Ron Greenberg


    Bought a mattress here last week. Very kind and knowledgeable sales staff. It felt like they really cared about my comfort and not just making a sale. Will definitely recommend.

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