Sleep Country de Calgary

CanadaSleep Country



🕗 horaire

4832, Richmond Road Southwest, T3E 6L4, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-240-1100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.01902, Longitude: -114.1560319

commentaires 5

  • en

    lyn quinsona


    Great service and attentative salesman. We didn't feel pressured. Found exactly what we needed and how can you beat the easy delivery process? Very happy with our purchase

  • Alanna Kelly

    Alanna Kelly


    The sales guy was knowledgeable about mattresses and did ask us questions about our needs but... He pegged us for this one mattresses and was unresponsive to our curiosity to learn about mattress and what was right for us. It was a poor experience for a first time mattress buyer.

  • Dan Diemer

    Dan Diemer


    Don't waste your money on their pillow deal. Buy one get one free....great. Now I have 2 pillows that I hate for only $125. What a waste

  • Peter Hunt

    Peter Hunt


    Very pleased with the products and the people. On the major purchase, our salesperson was knowledgeable and helpful and we have ben back for more a couple of times since

  • Jon G

    Jon G


    There is a huge range available beds from super cheap to crazy expensive. Some of the sales people are much better than others in that they will let you do what you want and will answer any questions you have. However you really need to haggle a bit with pricing as you can negotiate for better prices if your willing to do that..

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