Sleep Country i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSleep Country



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282, Bank Street, K2P 1X6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-288-2270
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4156247, Longitude: -75.6967378

kommentar 5

  • chris potvin

    chris potvin


    I love Sleep Country just because they love to help the poor as well they can't afford mattresses and if your years ago I was homeless and I finally got an apartment and they gave me $1,000 bed for free so for that I'd have to say they're a great company for getting back to their community

  • en

    Ghufran Siddiqui


    Good service when you get it. No one picks up the phones however and usually only one staff ever in store so you may have to wait... Updating my review. The 'brand new' mattress I received was stained. Customer service after sale is garbage

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    Trevor Bowman


    I went in yesterday (16 Oct 17) and had an above and beyond experience. I was looking for a new pillow that supports my neck, as I was in an accident a while ago and have chronic pain when sleeping. The saleswoman was amazing at picking around 8 pillows for me to try, also on separate beds to simulate my own experience on my bed at home. I was there for around 25 minutes and she was helping me with spinal alignment and walked me through the different types of pillows and other people's thoughts on them. She was pleasant and informative and patient. I recommend this place to anyone.

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    Reid Groeneveld


    I highly recommend Josh. He went above and beyond the required service and made sure I got my mattress and box spring when I needed them for move-in. Going as as far as to personally deliver both items himself with his own vehicle. I have never personally experienced such a superb level of generosity from someone in retail.

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    Aden K-c


    Bought my dream bed!!! They delivered it and set it up free of charge. They also took away my old mattress so I didn't have to worry about anything.

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