skoah de Vancouver




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1007, Hamilton Street, V6B 5T4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-901-3335
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.276923, Longitude: -123.1199001

commentaires 5

  • Sarah Slywchuk

    Sarah Slywchuk


    While on vacation in Vancouver my sister and I last minute booked facials here because I only like natural skincare treatments and products. We were beyond impressed with the quality of the services we received. I get frequent facials and I'm very particular, and I was blown away by how great my facial was. My skin looks and feels incredible. So impressed that we both had great facials from two different facialists. Highly recommend. Everyone was friendly and warm. A great experience.

  • Jove Ní Ciardubhain

    Jove Ní Ciardubhain


    I came here for the power facial and it was even better than I expected. My skin trainer was excellent and talked through all the products she was using. I also really enjoyed the neck and shoulder massage and the heated bed is an amazing touch! My skin looked so good afterwards and I've been enjoying the skincare products I purchased there since.

  • Daniel Szilagyi

    Daniel Szilagyi


    I had a facial and honestly had a fantastic experience, my technician was incredibly experienced and professional, polite and friendly. I got some great feedback on my skin and what I should do to improve. I'd definitely recommend it!

  • Artemisa Mendoza

    Artemisa Mendoza


    Staff is amazing, been struggling to find a good place that would listen to my needs and help me with some skin problems I have. So far the staff is great, products are not as expensive and the facials are gentle. Just started being a member and I love it so far.

  • Jackson Cunningham

    Jackson Cunningham


    They have a big sign beside the cash register that says you can return any product within 60 days for any reason. I purchased a set of smaller cream bottles but when I tried to return them (unopened) I was told the return policy doesn't apply to this type of product. This wasn't mentioned to me by the salesperson or anywhere on the product so I'm not sure how customers are expected to know about it. Based on that I wouldn't really trust much of what they say or promise.

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