Simplified. A Hair Shoppe. i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaSimplified. A Hair Shoppe.



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2931, Tillicum Road, V9A 2A6, Victoria, Capital, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 250-389-1987
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.448607, Longitude: -123.398325

kommentar 5

  • Carlson Leung

    Carlson Leung


    What I like about the salon is the cleanliness and comfort. The hair stylist /owner is very friendly and professional. I been there 3 times in the last four months and always satisfied with her services.

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    Matthew Lyon


    Kim was great, she listened to what I wanted and took her time 🙂

  • Lynn Hendren

    Lynn Hendren


    I was just there this morning ..Always a pleasure to have Kim cut my hair

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    Went to get layers in my hair done, when the lady was finished she curled my hair which seemed so nice but when i had my hair straight the next day i noticed my layers were way off from each side.. I asked her to have the layers frame my face and she put some layers on the left but none on the right side.. when i called to ask if it can please be fixed the lady said they were busy all day and when i told them when works for me to come in.. they happened to be too busy for the next two weeks.. Not impressed, awful customer experience. I wish I could give them zero stars. Don't go here if you want a great job done.

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    Ashlee Rah


    My new favourite go-to salon! Awesome service! she did my short pixie haircut! It's great. She did a great job. I wasn't afraid of going shorter so we took off my damaged hair, and it gave it some texture. She really knows what she's doing!!! 😻 I will definitely BE BACK!!!!

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