Simplement D Liche de Montréal

CanadaSimplement D Liche



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3964, Rue Saint-Denis, H2W 2M2, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canadå
contact téléphone: +1 514-500-2505
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5201403, Longitude: -73.574983

commentaires 5

  • Peter King

    Peter King


    Amazing Cronuts that make everything PALE in comparison. I always get one more for the next day AND THEY ARE GOOD EVEN THEN. Whew.

  • Jeannine Betts

    Jeannine Betts


    In my experience red velvet determines if the cupcakes are stellar or just ok. Unfortunately I found the red velvet to be bland and the cream cheese icing to taste like butter. Although the idea of the cookie inside a cookie is quite unique it was extremely dry. Customer service was excellent! Unfortunately I won't be returning for just ok cupcakes.

  • Lester Andreson

    Lester Andreson


    If I could have my way dessert would be the fifth food group. Seriously, no matter how full I am I will always make room for dessert. Needless to say D Liche is like heaven for someone who loves desserts as much as I do. This shop is located right on Saint Denis and while cupcakes are the main attraction here they do other desserts. I should add that they do them very well. The store is very cute and bright. You will see tons of cupcake accessories on display as well as tea fron My Little Cup of Tea (I might have this name wrong). You will also see plenty of sweets on display to tempt you. Now let's talk about the main attraction: the cupcakes or cupcake in my situation. I picked up an XL cupcake for a family gathering. The XL cupcake is a giant cupcake meant to serve multiple people. Mine was red velvet flavour with a cream cheese icing. The cupcake was dense, chocolatey and very fresh. It was well-complimented by the cream cheese icing which was very light and wildly delicious. It was a huge hit at my family dinner. I also got a slice of banana chocolate bread to eat at the store which was also very fresh and had more of that wonderful cream cheese icing. Some might find the price tag a little steep but I do find that it is justified. D Liche prefers to go for quality and that means they are going to be using better ingredients that cost a little more. For example instead of taking the cheap way out and using shortening they tend to use butter in their baking

  • en

    hyfe solo


    Not worth the price for what you get. You're better off paying a little more to order your cake from Sugar Rush cakes. I ordered cakes from both places and must say that the quality is much more worth it at Sugar Rush cakes but they weren't open this time of the year. The cake I ordered for my husbands 30th birthday was not what I had expected and was burnt around the edges and quite stale. My guests however found that the little individual cupcakes I had ordered on the side were delicious but I didnt have the appetite after the center cake to try them. All in all, Sugar Rush cakes costs a bit more but well worth the price.

  • Juan Pablo Mo

    Juan Pablo Mo


    Nice cupcakes with good moist. They are like the home made one of my friends make. They are pretty similar. And to open a store on st Denis the rent must be high. The cupcake is priced on regard of the locario as well. :) keep it fresh. My wife loved them for her birthday

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