Simon's Bike Shop de Vancouver

CanadaSimon's Bike Shop



🕗 horaire

608, Robson St, V6B 2B9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 604-602-1181
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2807797, Longitude: -123.1193493

commentaires 5

  • Jonathon Zachariah

    Jonathon Zachariah


    Super Excellent service. Very kind staff. Family owned. They even having bike clothing, helmets, parts etc.

  • Lynsey Thornton

    Lynsey Thornton


    Above & beyond service, always helpful. Can trust they’ll give you good advice. Have been coming here for years & they’ve always been able to resolve the problem I came to solve

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    Thomas L


    No non-sense bike shop. Highly recommended for anyone who is looking for bike of any level. For any Specialized bike, Simon's price cannot be beat! Great crew as well for any repair/ adjustment. They don't have the arrogance I've experience from other bike shops in DT (see my other review of another bike shop)

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    Robert Mastronardi


    Simon and his staff are great. Bought my bike from them 2 years ago and have come in a couple times for minor adjustments and barely had to wait each time. Also very helpful with questions and choosing accessories. Definitely would recommended these guys.

  • Joshua Romine

    Joshua Romine


    Been going to Simon’s for a while now for bike repairs. They have always been honest with me and given me great service. They don’t always have the best selection of parts, but for general maintenance and repairs, they’re great. The repair guys in the back do awesome work, definitely recommended.

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