Showcase de Prince George




🕗 horaire

3055, Massey Drive, V2N 2S9, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-561-2484
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.897358, Longitude: -122.7776071

commentaires 2

  • en

    M C


    My 8 year old daughter went into the Prince George store she had 20$ for her birthday. She purchased a jelly bean game for 16$ she went to another store next to showcase and found the game for 10$. The showcase store would not price match or refund the purchase. She is 8 years old and cannot read the no return policy, that should of been made clear to her at time of purchase, she should not of been told to bad so sad little girl and told to leave.

  • Andrew Stewart Weir

    Andrew Stewart Weir


    Superior Customer Service. Spend extra for the warranty in store, it is worth it. Excellent products.

Maison du monde la plus proche

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